Best facts and Shocking Reality: How long does a root canal take? (Updated) (2023)

While most root canals are finished within 1 to 2 hours some might take longer. In this blog, we will try to answer- How long does a root canal take? Every point mentioned in the article is backed by scientific studies and research.

Welcome, readers. If you’re considering a root canal, you may be wondering how long does a root canal take. It’s a common question and one that we’re happy to answer.

First, let’s start with the basics. A root canal is a dental procedure that is used to treat a damaged or infected tooth. During the procedure, the damaged or infected portion of the tooth’s pulp is removed, and the remaining space is cleaned and sealed.

Now, back to the question at hand – how long does a root canal take? The answer isn’t straightforward, as there are several factors that can impact the duration of the procedure. In this post, we’ll explore those factors and give you a better idea of what to expect when it comes to the length of your root canal. So let’s get started on ‘Understanding How long does a root canal take’ and give you the answer to the question how long does a root canal take?

How long does a Root Canal take? 

How long does a root canal take? A tooth's vein network

Factors affecting the time of Root canal treatment- How long does it take for a root canal?

When it comes to the duration of a root canal procedure, several factors can impact the length of time it takes. Let’s take a closer look at some of these factors so that you can have an idea on how long does a root canal take-

Location of the affected tooth:

According to a study published in the Journal of Endodontics, “molars require a significantly longer treatment time compared to premolars and anterior teeth.” This is because molars typically have more roots and canals than other teeth, which can make the procedure longer.

Number of canals in the tooth:

According to the American Association of Endodontists, “Teeth can have one or more canals, and each canal must be cleaned and filled during the root canal procedure.” The more canals a tooth has, the longer the procedure may take.

Presence of infection or inflammation:

According to the Cleveland Clinic, “If there is an active infection, your dentist may choose to prescribe antibiotics to clear the infection before proceeding with the root canal.” This can add additional time to the overall procedure.

Complexity of the case:

According to a case report published in the Journal of Conservative Dentistry, “calcified canals can be a major challenge for endodontic treatment, as they are difficult to locate and negotiate.” Cases with complex anatomy or calcified canals may require additional time to complete the procedure.

Skill and experience of the dentist:

According to a study published in the Journal of Dental Research, “the experience of the operator is a significant factor in the success of root canal treatment.” An experienced endodontist may be able to complete the procedure more quickly than a less experienced dentist.

How long do root canals take? Typical Duration of Root Canals-

Now that we’ve discussed the factors that can impact the length of a root canal procedure and what to expect during the procedure, let’s talk about how long does a root canal take?

A. Average time taken for a root canal:

According to a survey conducted by the American Association of Endodontists, the average time for a root canal procedure is 60-90 minutes. However, this is just an estimate and the actual time taken can vary depending on several factors such as the location and complexity of the affected tooth, the number of canals, and the presence of infection or inflammation.

B. Time taken for each step of the procedure:

The time taken for each step of the root canal procedure can also vary depending on the specific case. According to Dr. Kenneth Hargreaves, a renowned endodontist, and author of the book “Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp,” “The cleaning and shaping portion of the procedure can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours depending on the complexity of the case.”

After the cleaning and shaping of the canals, the next step is to fill them with a special material and seal the tooth with a filling or crown. According to a study published in the International Endodontic Journal, “the time taken to fill and seal the canals can range from 15 to 45 minutes depending on the technique used and the size of the canals.” So as you can see the answer to the question how long does a root canal take depends on a lot of factors.

C. Comparison of time taken for different teeth and cases:

As we mentioned earlier, the answer to the question how long does a root canal take can vary depending on the specific case. According to a study published in the Journal of Endodontics, “molars require a significantly longer treatment time compared to premolars and anterior teeth.” This is because molars typically have more roots and canals than other teeth, which can make the procedure longer.

Factors That Can Affect the Time Taken for a Root Canal Procedure- How long does root canal take?

While the average time for a root canal procedure is around 60-90 minutes, the actual time taken can vary depending on several factors. Let’s take a closer look at some of the factors that can impact the duration of a root canal procedure.

A. Use of modern technology:

The use of modern technology can significantly reduce the time taken for a root canal procedure. For example, the use of rotary instruments and electronic apex locators can make the cleaning and shaping process faster and more accurate. According to a study published in the Journal of Endodontics, “the use of rotary instruments significantly reduced the mean instrumentation time and total treatment time compared to hand instruments.”

Additionally, the use of dental operating microscopes (DOMs) can enhance the visualization of the canals and make the procedure more efficient. According to a study published in the Journal of Conservative Dentistry, “the use of DOMs improved the efficiency of root canal treatment and reduced the treatment time compared to conventional methods.” This is one of the most important factors which we believe will decide how long does a root canal take.

B. Anesthesia type and effectiveness:

The type and effectiveness of anesthesia can also impact the time taken for a root canal procedure. According to a study published in the Journal of Endodontics, “the use of articaine was associated with significantly shorter mean treatment times compared to lidocaine or mepivacaine.”

Additionally, the effectiveness of anesthesia can impact the patient’s comfort and cooperation during the procedure. If the patient is experiencing pain or discomfort, it may be necessary to administer additional anesthesia or take breaks during the procedure, which can increase the overall time taken.

C. Patient cooperation:

Patient cooperation is another important factor that can impact the time taken for a root canal procedure. According to a study published in the Journal of Endodontics, “patient cooperation and movement during treatment were significantly associated with prolonged treatment times.”

It’s important for patients to remain still and relaxed during the procedure to allow the dentist or endodontist to work efficiently and effectively. If the patient is experiencing anxiety or discomfort, it’s important to communicate with the dental team to address these concerns and find ways to improve the patient’s comfort and cooperation.

D. Presence of complications:

Finally, the presence of complications such as infection, inflammation, or calcification can impact the time taken for a root canal procedure. According to a study published in the Journal of Conservative Dentistry, “the presence of apical periodontitis significantly increased the time taken for root canal treatment.”

In cases where there are complications, it may be necessary to take additional time to ensure that the canals are thoroughly cleaned and shaped to promote healing and prevent further complications.


In conclusion, while the thought of a root canal procedure may cause some anxiety or concern, it’s important to remember that with modern technology, skilled dental professionals, and patient cooperation, the procedure can be completed in a reasonable amount of time. By taking care of our oral health and addressing any issues promptly, we can avoid the need for more extensive procedures in the future. So the answer to the question How long does a root canal take can vary depending on lot of variables.

So, if you’re facing the prospect of a root canal, remember that it’s a routine and effective treatment that can restore your oral health and give you something to smile about. So that is all on our article on ‘Understanding How long does a root canal take?’. We hope you have the answer to the question ‘How long does a root canal take?’

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