3 Best things to eat to gain weight fast: Weight is something we all are always concerned about. Whether you need to gain weight or lose weight the food you eat plays the most important role in the process. If you want to gain weight and still do not know what to eat then you are at the right place. In this article, we will tell you about the 3 Best things to eat to gain weight fast and after reading this article you will see that gaining weight is not that hard. The items mentioned in the article will help you gain those extra calories needed to increase your muscle mass fast.
So read the article to know the 3 Best things to eat to gain weight fast.
3 Best things to eat to gain weight fast-
Gaining weight is a tough task especially when you are skinny. In order to gain weight you have to eat more and that too eat food which is high in calories. You may think that you are eating enough and still not gaining weight, this happens when you do not consume a high-protein and calorie-rich diet. You can eat a lot of veggies but it would not help you to gain weight however, eating peanut butter would definitely help. To make things easier for you we have tried to tell you about the 3 Best things to eat to gain weight fast.
The 3 Best things to eat to gain weight fast-
1) Brown Rice
Brown rice when compared to regular white rice is highly nutritious and has much more fiber too. Rice in general has a lot of calories and can help you to put on weight but rice also has high sugar content and can increase your blood sugar levels in the long run. Brown rice on the other hand delivers much more calories and does not even increase your blood-sugar level. It also has a good amount of protein which is very important for the development of muscles in your body. Brown rice is the best option for people who are looking for complex carbohydrates and protein-rich food. Brown rice can help you stay fit too.
If you think that eating rice may increase your sugar levels then you can limit your sugar intake easily by having these items.
2) Dried Fruits
Nuts like walnut or cashew nut are sources of high calories. Dried fruits are a must for every diet but they become even more important when you have to gain weight. Dried fruits like Raisins, dates, prunes, and apricots can increase your calorie uptake by folds. They become essential when you need to gain more calories in less amount of time. 100gm cashew nuts can give you surprisingly 550 calories which can help you achieve your calorie goals. A handful of dried fruits while you work or at the start of the day would not only benefit your body but would also help you gain those extra calories you need to gain weight quickly.
3) Eggs
Eggs are definitely something you need to have in your diet if you are planning to gain weight. An egg can give you roughly 80 calories which is a great amount as the main goal during weight gain is to eat more food that is calorie rich. An egg is also rich in protein, if you consume one egg you can roughly get 8g of protein. Protein is the most important component of the diet when it comes to muscle development. An egg is also a food item you can have to keep yourself warm during winter.
In order to gain weight you should have a diet that has more calories than your maintenance calories and the food you consume should be rich in carbohydrates and proteins. When you take in more calories and protein than your body requires to carry out the day-to-day activities then the surplus calories and protein would help you build up mass and muscles. The food items we discussed in the article are the 3 Best things to eat to gain weight fast and if you really want to gain some extra pounds then you should include these food items in your diet at the earliest.
Weight gain is no easy task but if you know what to eat then the task becomes a bit easy. In this article, we tried to tell you about the 3 Best things to eat to gain weight fast and according to us you should definitely include these food items in your diet and see the results in your body. Now that you know what to eat what’s stopping you to gain those extra pounds and build some muscles?
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